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Visionary Strategy

The Seven Strategy Questions

Strategy isn’t an additional task; it’s a guiding force. It’s your compass to success.
In the dynamic business world, effective strategy execution can differentiate leaders from laggards. This eBook introduces a structured approach to bridge the gap between strategy formulation and execution: The Seven Strategy Questions.
The path to success often feels like navigating a complex labyrinth in the vast business world. Each turn brings challenges, opportunities, and decisions to be made. The question is: do you have a map to guide you? This book is that map—a comprehensive strategy execution framework designed to equip businesses with the insights, tools, and methodologies to chart their strategic course and execute it with precision and agility.
Regardless of size or industry, every organization grapples with fundamental questions: How do we understand our internal and external environment? What are our objectives, and how do we prioritize them? How do we continuously innovate, differentiate, and deliver value? And crucially, how do we measure our progress and success?
These are not just questions but the cornerstones of strategic thinking and planning. Yet, answers can be elusive. Drawing from a rich tapestry of business models, research, and real-world examples, this guide presents a structured approach, The Seven Strategy Questions methodology. This offers a transformative lens through which businesses can view, evaluate, and refine their strategic endeavors.
As we embark on this journey, you’ll discover tools to decode your business environment, methodologies to align and galvanize your teams, and innovative approaches to building compelling value propositions. But more than just tools and methodologies, this guide is a call to action—a beacon for those committed to excellence, growth, and sustainable success.
In a world of constant change and uncertainty, strategy is your compass, and execution is your momentum. Let’s begin this exploration by ensuring that every step you take, no matter how intricate the maze, is confident, informed, and aligned with your vision. Welcome to the strategic voyage of a lifetime.

Integrating The Strategy Questions with EOS™ and other Business Operating Systems

In business management, the Entrepreneurial Operating System™ (EOS™) is a robust framework that focuses on vision, traction, and health to drive organizational success. Within EOS, the ‘how’ of business operation and execution is diligently addressed. However, for a business to flourish, it requires more than just a set of operational guidelines. This is where the Seven Strategy Questions come into play, adding a crucial layer of strategic depth to EOS.
EOS essentially provides the roadmap for execution, guiding businesses to set a clear vision and execute it efficiently. But for this execution to be meaningful, it must be grounded in a well-defined strategy. This is where the Seven Strategy Questions step in, inviting a deep dive into the core elements of strategy, ensuring that the ‘why’ and ‘what’ are as clear as the ‘how.’ It is about marrying vision with strategy and execution.
The EOS framework provides tools like the Vision/Traction Organizer™, offering a structured way to set long-term objectives and break them down into actionable steps. The Seven Strategy Questions give depth to this process, ensuring that these objectives are visionary and strategically sound. Essentially, they provide the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of EOS, ensuring the roadmap to success is well-defined and strategically powerful.
By integrating the Seven Strategy Questions with EOS, organizations can forge a holistic path to success, ensuring their vision and operational execution are strategically guided and aligned. It’s not just about how you get there; it’s about understanding why and what you strive to achieve, making the journey more purposeful and results-driven. EOS sets the pace in this integration, while the Seven Strategy Questions provide the depth, making for a comprehensive approach to business growth.
The terminology in the Seven Strategy Questions is somewhat analogous to, though different from EOS. The Seven Questions are more detailed in both concept and execution than the EOS components.
3-Year Picture → Vision and Areas of Strategic Focus
Marketing Strategy or Message → Value Proposition
Rocks → Initiatives
Measurables → KSMs (Key Success Measures) & Results
Process Component → Key Activities

1. The Seven Strategy Questions

Strategy is dynamic. Constant questioning keeps it relevant and actionable. Reviewing the following Seven Questions regularly can help ensure continued success.

The Seven Questions

What is the Context in which we operate?
What do we want to accomplish (Vision)?
How do we win (Value Proposition)?
What are the required Business Capabilities?
What do we do every day (Key Activities)?
Are we getting the Results we want?
How do we improve (Initiatives)?

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1. What is the Context in which we operate?

When it comes to the Strategy Questions, it’s vital to ask them within the context of both internal and external analysis. Internally, these questions help organizations delve into their core values, mission, and vision, aligning these with the practical aspects of their operations. They ensure the strategy is aspirational and grounded in the organization’s capabilities and culture. Externally, these questions guide businesses in assessing the dynamic market forces, competition, and ever-evolving trends. They aid in crafting strategies that respond to external realities and opportunities, aligning the vision with the market dynamics.
While this book will not delve deeply into internal and external analysis methodologies, you can use tools such as SWOT, PEST Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, and the Blue Ocean Strategy Map.
To thoroughly understand the internal strengths and weaknesses of your firm, take the .

2. What do we want to accomplish (Vision)?

Defining a clear financial, customer, and societal vision is essential for sustained growth. Additionally, prioritizing organizational changes is necessary to achieve the stated business objectives.
When defining and prioritizing organizational objectives, it’s important to ensure the business is measuring to the desired results. Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach, results focused on financial, customer, and employee are mandatory for every business.
Our approach breaks objectives into two types, desired results and areas of strategic focus:
Desired results are the tangible outcomes an organization aspires to achieve are typically quantified and time-bound. They are the measurable benchmarks that indicate the effectiveness of the strategies employed.
Areas of Strategic Focus - while desired results are the "what" of the objectives, areas of focus define the way to achieve those objectives. These focal areas require attention, resources, and effort to achieve the desired results.

a. Desired Results

The tangible outcomes an organization aspires to achieve are typically quantified and time-bound. They are the measurable benchmarks that indicate the effectiveness of the strategies employed.
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Financial Results are critical as they reflect the organization's health and growth potential. Examples include revenue targets, profit margins, free cash flow, and overall business value. A robust financial foundation enables further investments, expansions, and innovations.
Customer & Market Results: Metrics here may encompass market share, customer acquisition and retention rates, and customer satisfaction scores. Being attuned to customer needs ensures sustained demand and brand loyalty.
Employee & Societal Results: Employee satisfaction, retention rates, and training/development metrics fall into this category. Societally, measures might include corporate social responsibility initiatives, sustainability efforts, and community engagement. Organizations that thrive typically ensure they're both good workplaces and corporate citizens.
The 7 Critical Metrics
Customer Satisfaction (using NPS)
Pipeline Coverage Ratio
Revenue Concentration
Revenue Churn
EBITDA or Burn
Employee Engagement (using NPS)

b. Areas of Strategic Focus

Areas of Strategic Focus are the most important areas an organization must pursue to achieve its long-term vision and desired results.
While desired results are the "what" of the objectives, areas of focus define how to achieve those objectives. These focal areas require attention, resources, and effort to achieve the desired results.
Areas of focus are like a spotlight on a stage - there are only a few and if the entire stage is spotlighted, none of the stage is.
In the ever-evolving business landscape, strategic clarity and execution can make the difference between success and stagnation. Here are 20 generic areas of focus, grouped under distinct themes in the Predictive Index’s World of Work framework, that organizations can adopt to navigate their unique challenges and capitalize on opportunities:
Teamwork & Employee Engagement:
Promote from Within: Cultivating a culture of engagement and professional development by prioritizing internal promotions.
Team Cohesion: Enhancing team-level outcomes by boosting team cohesion and collaborative synergy.
Elevate Engagement: Uplifting productivity and retention by increasing overall employee engagement.
Vision-Driven Results: Driving employees to achieve with passion and a clear vision.
Foster Loyalty: Reinforcing employees' faith in the company, enhancing loyalty and long-term commitment.
Innovation & Agility:
Cultivate Creativity: Fostering and cultivating creativity, opening doors for a refreshed or entirely new company vision.
Commercializing Innovations: Strategizing the best pathways to commercialize new ideas or inventions.
Brand Evolution: Creating or redefining the company's brand, sculpting market perceptions.
Pioneering Products/Services: Launching innovative product lines or services, setting industry precedents.
Expand with New Teams: Setting up specialized teams or departments to spearhead business expansion.
Process & Precision:
System Implementation: Introducing new systems or processes to streamline operations and enhance outcomes.
Growth Structures: Implementing structures or procedures tailored to handle the demands of an expanding workforce.
Reliability Enhancement: Boosting the reliability of production or services, minimizing disruptions or delays.
Efficiency & Waste Reduction: Streamlining operations to reduce waste and elevate efficiency, positively impacting the bottom line.
Forecasting Precision: Improving forecast accuracy to inform robust long-term planning and budgeting.
Results & Discipline:
Sales & Marketing Investment: Amplifying revenue streams by investing in sales or marketing teams.
Innovative Pricing/Distribution: Crafting new pricing or distribution strategies to cater to evolving customer needs.
First-Mover Advantage: Strategizing to outpace competitors, securing a dominant market presence.
Data-Driven Market Leadership: Harnessing data-backed decisions to drive market share with discipline.
Growth through Retention & Sales: Driving organizational growth by focusing on sales augmentation and customer retention.
Businesses can craft an actionable and adaptive roadmap by drawing upon these areas of focus tailored to distinct organizational needs. The Predictive Index's framework offers strategic depth and breadth, ensuring companies are equipped to thrive in their unique journey.
Using the Areas of Focus
Objective: Rephrase the priority in your own words​.​ ​Be as specific as you can in terms of how this objective will play out for your team and your work. It may be helpful to use the SMART framework. Business priorities may or may not be time-based.
Deliverables: List the Deliverables for this priority.
Resources & Questions: What resources will be required to accomplish this priority? What questions do you need answers to?
Risks & Blindspots: What are things you are concerned may be challenging with this objective?​ ​ How might this team struggle to execute on this goal?

3. How do we win (Value Proposition)?

A Value Proposition articulates a company's promise to its customers, underscoring the unique benefits they can expect. It's a potent tool that bridges the company's offerings to the needs and challenges of its clientele. A compelling Value Proposition offers clear, relevant solutions regardless of the industry. Let's reexamine its components with a refined focus on pricing:
What do we sell?
Products/Services: Clearly outline the offerings, whether tangible products, services, software, experiences, or a combination thereof. Highlight any supplementary or supportive features that augment the primary offering.
Who do we sell to?
Target Audience: Define the primary customer segments, understanding their motivations, challenges, and desires. Whether the offerings are tailored for specific demographics, businesses of varying scales, or niche groups, a deep understanding of the audience is essential.
How is it (product/service) priced?
Pricing Strategy:
Amount: The actual cost of the product/service, considering its perceived value and market standards.
Timing: When is the payment made? Upfront, post-service, or upon delivery?
Frequency: Is it a one-time payment, monthly subscription, or a pay-as-you-go model?
Duration: How long does the agreement last for subscriptions or service contracts? Is it a month-to-month, annual, or multi-year commitment?
Combination: Often, businesses use a mix of the above, such as an initial setup fee followed by monthly subscriptions or tiered pricing models based on usage frequency or duration.
The 3 Whys:
Need: Identify the distinct challenges or desires the product or service addresses. It could cater to a market gap, offer efficiency improvements, or provide a unique experience.
Differentiation: Articulate the unique attributes that set the offering apart. This could encompass innovative features, exceptional quality, a unique problem-solving approach, or unparalleled support.
Trust: Establish the factors that make the company trustworthy. This can be built through customer testimonials, industry accreditations, transparency in operations, or robust guarantees.
In framing a Value Proposition, businesses should remember it's not merely about selling an item or service; it's about delivering unmatched value. This requires a clear understanding of how the company's offerings dovetail with the customer's world, addressing their requirements, and distinguishing themselves in a bustling market landscape.
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4. What are the required Business Capabilities?

To successfully navigate the intricate web of modern business, an organization must understand its capabilities clearly. This includes understanding the capabilities required, regularly checking progress using an Operational Scorecard, aligning everyday activities with the strategy (Key Activities and Processes), and constantly evolving with new Initiatives to enhance capabilities.
The Business Capabilities Matrix
The Business Capabilities Matrix (BCM) achieves this by presenting a comprehensive view of a company's functions and resources.
Columns: The Value Chain
Sell: This is the starting point of the business process. It revolves around marketing, customer outreach, and turning prospects into customers. Product marketing, brand communication, customer segmentation, and sales strategies fall under this category.
Deliver: Once a sale is secured, the focus shifts to delivering the promised product or service. This phase encompasses production, distribution, service delivery, and ensuring that what the customer receives matches their expectations.
Collect: After delivery, the attention turns to the financial aspects - invoicing, payment collection, and financial management. Efficiently managing cash flow, minimizing delays, and ensuring financial sustainability are the pillars of this stage.
Lead/Govern: This transcends the direct commercial activities. It's about management, leadership, and organizational culture. Effective leadership ensures that the entire organization moves cohesively towards common goals.
Other: Some business have more elements in their value chain. For example, a staffing agency may need to recruit talent, as well as sell that talent to other organizations.
Rows: Foundational Building Blocks
Path: Every phase in the Value Chain has a path. You can think of this path like the high-level (30,000 foot) view of the process. Paths generally look like this: ​
For instance, for the Sales phase, the Path may look like this: ​
Key Success Metrics: For each phase of the value chain, defining what success looks like is essential. These are quantifiable measures that gauge the effectiveness and efficiency of each phase. For instance, a success metric in the 'Sell' phase could be 'conversion rate' or 'new customer acquisition. These KSMs become the basis for the Operational Scorecard.
Key Activities: The specific tasks or operations must be executed in each phase. Key activities in the 'Deliver' phase could include manufacturing, quality assurance, or logistics.
Skills & Abilities: Every phase requires unique skills and expertise. For the 'Collect' phase, skills might involve financial management, invoicing expertise, or negotiation abilities. We differentiate between internal skills & abilities (People) and external skills & abilities (Partner).
Tools & Resources: This refers to the tangible and intangible assets aiding each phase. For the 'Lead' phase, tools and resources might include strategic frameworks, communication platforms, or leadership training programs.
Organizational Structure: Not just who reports to whom, but also what functions are inside and outside the organization, how information flows, and decisions are made.
Organizational Policies: Policies are the rules and guidelines that govern an organization's behavior and decision-making. For example, 100% commission versus no-commission salespeople.

5. What do we do every day (Key Activities)?

In the intricate machinery of a business, Key Activities serve as the fundamental gears and levers, ensuring that every aspect functions harmoniously and produces desired outcomes. They're the steps we undertake and the routines we embed to guarantee the effective realization of our strategy. However, to ensure these activities and processes are not just motions but effective drivers of value, they must be clearly defined, aligned, and purpose-driven.
Some Key Activities are directly related to selling, delivering, and collecting. Others are related to governing and leading the organization (running meetings, problem-solving, finance, etc.).
Purpose: The 'Why' Behind Every Process
Every process in an organization exists to serve a specific purpose. This is its reason for existence. The purpose outlines the value or benefit a process brings to the organization. The North Star guides the process, ensuring it remains relevant, aligned, and beneficial. If a process does not have a clear purpose, it's worth re-evaluating its necessity.
SITPOC: Defining the Process
SITPOC is a comprehensive framework to break down and define processes. It stands for:
Supplier: Who provides the necessary inputs for the process? This could be internal departments, external vendors, or any other entity.
Inputs: What resources, information, or materials are required to initiate the process? These are the essential elements consumed or transformed during the process.
Trigger: What event or condition initiates the process? This could be a specific time, a customer request, or any event that activates the process.
Process: The sequence of steps or actions to transform the inputs into the desired outputs. It is the core of the SITPOC framework. We use a swim-lane flowchart to differentiate which people or groups perform each action. Required tools, resources, and policies are noted.
Output: What are the process's results, products, or deliverables? These are the end goals that the process aims to produce.
Customer: Who receives or benefits from the output? This could be internal teams, end customers, or any entity that utilizes the output.
Outcome and Activity Metrics: Outcome metrics measure the effectiveness of the process in meeting its purpose. Activity metrics measure the actual activities performed. More information is in the next section.
By defining every key process using the SITPOC framework, businesses guarantee clarity, efficiency, and purposefulness. Each element of SITPOC ensures the right event triggers the process, consumes the right resources, follows the right steps, and produces the desired outcome for the right beneficiary.
In essence, Key Activities and Processes, bolstered by the clarity of the SITPOC framework, ensure that every cog in the business machinery is purposeful and efficient. They form the daily rhythm of the business, and when orchestrated correctly, they play a crucial role in the seamless execution of strategy.

6. Are we getting the Results we want?

In the world of strategy execution, monitoring and measuring results are vital. It's not merely about checking boxes but truly understanding the impact and efficacy of our actions. This brings us to an essential distinction in the metrics world: Outcome vs. Activity Metrics. Both are crucial, but they offer different perspectives and insights. Let's delve deeper.
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Outcome Metrics:
These are the ultimate indicators of success. They reveal whether the strategy is yielding the desired results. Outcome metrics are often directly tied to the business's overarching objectives. Think of these as the endgame – the tangible results or the bottom line. For instance:
Financial Outcomes: Revenue growth, profit margins, or return on investment.
Customer Outcomes: Customer satisfaction scores, net promoter scores, or customer retention rates.
Employee & Societal Outcomes: Employee satisfaction, community engagement, or corporate social responsibility impact.
Activity Metrics:
While outcome metrics are about the destination, activity metrics are about the journey. They give insights into the actions and efforts to reach the desired outcomes. These pulse checks offer real-time feedback about ongoing activities and processes. Examples include:
Sales Activities: Number of sales calls made, leads generated, or product demonstrations given.
Marketing Activities: Social media engagement rates, content pieces produced, or email campaigns launched.
Operational Activities: Production volumes, hours of training conducted, or percentage of product defects addressed.
Balancing the Two:
It's important to recognize that while activity metrics are more immediate and often easier to measure, they should not be mistaken for signs of ultimate success. They are stepping stones indicative of effort and process, but the true test lies in the outcome metrics. Conversely, outcome metrics, being long-term, shouldn't lead to overlooking the nuances and insights provided by monitoring activities.
For a business strategy to be holistic, it's essential to intertwine both these metrics. Activity metrics ensure you're doing things right, while outcome metrics ensure you're doing the right things. By maintaining this balance, businesses can align their day-to-day operations with their broader goals, ensuring that every effort counts and leads towards a larger, strategic impact.
Progress Tracking: The Four Pillars of Metrics
Effective progress tracking is not just about numbers—it's about understanding the nuances and implications of those numbers. A comprehensive approach involves diving deep into various facets of operations, assessing them against benchmarks, and deciphering their impact on the overall goals. Here's a detailed look into the four pillars of metrics used to gauge progress:
1. Quantity: The Measure of Volume
Quantity metrics reflect the sheer volume or number of a specific variable. Whether it's the number of products manufactured, customers served, or leads generated, this metric gives a straightforward count, presenting a clear picture of productivity or throughput.
Example: If a call center receives 1,000 calls daily, the quantity metric would be that figure—1,000 calls.
2. Quality: The Fulfillment of Purpose
While quantity is about 'how much,' quality dives into 'how well.' It measures the degree to which a product, service, or process fulfills its intended purpose or meets set standards.
Definition: Quality is the ability to meet purpose. It's not just about flawlessness but effectiveness in achieving the desired outcome or intent.
Example: A software application might have numerous features (quantity), but if it doesn't fulfill the primary needs of its users (purpose), its quality would be deemed low.
3. Time: The Essence of Efficiency
In business, time often equates to money, satisfaction, or opportunity. Time metrics gauge the duration taken for processes, waiting periods, or achieving milestones.
Elapse Time: The total time taken from start to finish a process or activity.
Target Elapsed Time: This metric measures the percentage of cases or instances meeting a pre-set elapsed time or deadline, showcasing efficiency against set benchmarks.
Example: If a delivery service pledges 2-day shipping, and 95% of packages reach within that window, their target elapsed time metric would be 95%.
4. Cost: The Expense Perspective
Cost metrics delve into the financial or resource expenditure of processes, products, or projects. It's a direct reflection of efficiency, effectiveness, and optimization.
Money: The direct financial costs associated with production, delivery, operations, or any activity.
Substitutes: Other resources expended, like labor hours. For instance, a project taking 500 person-hours has a cost implication in salaries and potential alternative uses of that labor.
Example: Producing a widget might cost $5 in materials (money) and take 2 hours of labor (substitute cost).
The Four Pillars of Metrics - Summary
Organizations get a holistic perspective of their progress by integrating these four pillars—quantity, quality, time, and cost. Each metric offers a unique lens, and together, they provide a comprehensive picture, ensuring informed decision-making and strategic pivots when needed.
Metrics: Operational Definition
Every metric must include the following:
Name - a simple name for the metric
Purpose - the purpose of the metric and how it ties to overall strategy
Calculation or Formula
Measurer - who is responsible for tracking and reporting the metric
Responder - who is responsible for responding to actual
Time-frame - how often is the metric calculated (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)
Target - the target for the metric
Orientation - greater than, less than, between
Actuals - the actual results

7. How do we improve (Initiatives)?

Quarterly Initiatives: A 90-Day Leap Towards Enhanced Capabilities
In the business realm, rapid adaptability and continuous progression are of the essence. Quarterly Initiatives embody this principle, offering structured, 90-day sprints to transform organizational capabilities.
Understanding Quarterly Initiatives
Distinct from the usual operational grind, Initiatives are projects that specifically address accomplishing areas of strategic focus, closing capability gaps, or solving issues. Their unique quarterly nature ensures focused action, rapid results, and immediate adaptability to new insights or challenges. While daily operations maintain the status quo, these 90-day action plans aspire for transformation.
Assessing Capabilities with the Business Capabilities Matrix
Central to this transformative approach is using the Business Capabilities Matrix and comparing each current capability to each required capability. If there are clear areas of concern where the business falls short, the business has capability gaps. These gaps become primary targets for Initiatives.
Initiatives may also be crafted from the Areas of Strategic Focus.
Crafting the 90-Day Action Plan
With gaps identified through the BCM, the stage is set for planning the Quarterly Initiative:
Purpose: The "why" behind this initiative: this will increase revenue by 24%; this will increase profit margins by 8.2%; this will earn us the "best employer" award for next year.
Who is the Champion, what is the Due Date, and what Strategic Focus, Capability Gap, or Issue is this Initiative related to?
Objectives & Deliverables: Concise, actionable, and time-bound goals to enhance the identified capabilities within the quarter. Examples: hire a new salesperson by March 31; document the sales process by March 31.
Resources & Questions: Identify and allocate necessary resources—financial, technological, human, and time—to ensure unobstructed progress over the quarter. Examples: new software needed; additional sales personnel needed; defined processes.
Risks & Blindspots: Swift anticipation and strategizing for potential challenges, ensuring the Initiative remains unhindered and achieves its goals within the 90-day framework. Examples: economic factors; new technology; new competitors; supply chain issues; recession; people talent issues.
Responsibilities & Action Steps: Collaborative undertakings where roles and responsibilities are delineated, ensuring that everyone moves cohesively towards the objectives. Who will be responsible and held accountable for success; what actions are needed to provide an environment for success.
Quarterly Initiatives, underpinned by the insights from the Business Capabilities Matrix, are a testament to a business's commitment to relentless progress. Through focused 90-day bursts of transformative action, organizations address their immediate capability gaps and position themselves for future excellence.
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2. Documenting the Strategic Plan

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